vor 7 Jahren

Austria's most beautiful panoramic roads

  • Text
  • Alpine
  • Grossglockner
  • Gerlos
  • Nockalm
  • Villach
  • Tauern
  • Metres
  • Panoramic
  • Roads
  • Toll
  • Fuer
  • Geniesser
  • Gesamt
  • Webgross

In the area of the

In the area of the “Mesenaten” on the Carinthian side. The word Mesenaten is of Slav origin and means something like “swampy”. A GOOD WALK 18 In pre-Christian times, traders and packhorse drivers crossed the Alps. The historic “Glockner route” led across the Hochtor however not all the men were voluntarily out and about. All the exhibitions along the Grossglockner High Alpine Road can be visited without any charges. One of them is called “Passheiligtum Hochtor” and is located exactly there: Directly at the south portal of the Hochtor-tunnel, which also marks the border between Salzburg and Carinthia. The exhibition gives special impressive glimpses in an age-old trade-route across the Alps, which at that time presented itself a lot more inhospitable. A bronze Roman figurine was found in the course of the road construction in 1933. It depicted Hercules, the most revered god of the trade and of the travellers. For many decades, the authenticity of the finding was questioned, till the middle of 1990s several excavations took place. Successfully: Approximately 200 Celtic and Roman coins as well as fragments of many other figurines were found. They clearly prove that here on above 2,500 metres above sea level there must have been a pass or mountain temple. Genusswandern am Alpe-Adria-Trail Genusstipps am Trail Etappe 7: Zur guten Quelle • Der Romantik-Gasthof „Zur guten Quelle“ verwöhnt mit Schöpsenbraten, Quellenpfandl und Obervellacher Alpenlachs. Etappe 8: Danielsberg • Wo einst Kelten, Römer und Christen ihre Gotteshäuser errichteten genießt man heute feine Gerichte mit regionalen Produkten. 19 NPR Archiv Franz Gerdl, Klaus Dapra Nationalpark-Region Hohe Tauern Genuss am Wegesrand Eine wilde Schönheit, besondere Vielfalt und genussvolle Kulinarik prägt während der ersten zehn Tagesetappen Österreichs neuen Top-Weitwanderweg, den es Alpe-Adria-Trail. Von der Franz-Josefs-Höhe am Fuße des höchsten Berges Österreichs, dem Großglockner, führt der Weg hinunter zum Pasterzengletscher, durch das Bergdorf Hei- ligenblut, vorbei an den sanften Almen der Apriacher Stockmühlen, weiter durch die Groppensteinschlucht und hinunter nach Obervellach, an der Märchenburg „Falkenstein“ vorbei und wieder hinauf zum Danielsberg. Zahlreiche Almhütten, Gasthöfe und Einkehrmöglichkeiten laden zum genussvollen Verweilen. Hohe Tauern – die Nationalpark-Region in Kärnten Hof 4, A-9844 Heiligenblut am Großglockner, Tel.: +43 4824 2700